Monday, 17 October 2016

Wish Me Luck on IELTS


good night.
tonight was the last meeting of my IELTS course in REAL English. it happened to be a final test, to measure what we students have learnt during the course period. it is just like an IELTS simulation exam. the test consists of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. yeah, we all know that. but this night, we just do the listening sect 3 and 4, speaking, and writing. as reading and listening sect 1 and 2 have been done during the progress test some time ago.
by the way I am taking the official IELTS on November 5, which means about three weeks from now. the test will be held in UKDW. I need band score of 6.0 at least. it will be used to enroll a master's program abroad.
wish me luck.

Yogyakarta, Oct 17 2016
almost tomorrow,

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Sulfur Mining : The Frasch Process

Frasch Process diagram (via

sulfur is an essential element in our daily life. it is the 16th element in the periodic table with standard atomic weight of 32. it is solid in ambient temperature and it has melting point of 115 centigrade.  many daily goods from detergent, pesticide, to pharmaceuticals can be traced to involve sulfur in their production process. sulfur can be obtained in many ways of production, e.g. mining, from volcanoes, and from side product of petroleum processing. in this article we are going to discuss how sulfur is mined, by a process named Frasch process.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Production of Ammonia : The Haber-Bosch Process

Fig 1. Haber-Bosch Process Diagram
Fig 2. Operating conditions in Haber-Bosch Process

the preceding diagrams (Fig 1 and Fig 2) explain the Haber-Bosch process which is a common process for producing ammonia. the overall process is rather cyclic and consists of 2 main stages or units, they are the reacting unit (reactor) and the condensing unit (the condenser).

What Physics Teachers Get Wrong About Tides! | Space Time | PBS Digital ...

untuk teman-teman flat earth, yuk yuk belajar dulu..

tenang, ada subtitlenya kok

Review: Sherlock Begins: A study in Scarlet

Sherlock Begins: A study in Scarlet Sherlock Begins: A study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

saya telah membeli novel ini sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu ketika saya masih di semester ketiga. dan setelah membaca beberapa bab di awal, otak saya belum nyampe. benar-benar mindf**k, sehingga saya simpan di suatu tempat saja. tidak menjamahnya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Review: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"humor yang meledak-ledak" tulis salah satu review di sampulnya. satu kalimat yang membuat saya penasaran setelah mengambilnya dari rak toko. apa iya? begitu pikir saya.
setelah membaca beberapa halaman depan, saya pun berpikir demikian. memang humor yang dibawakan sungguh cerdas. saya kira memang humor dan komedi adalah satu hal yang universal, bisa dinikmati setiap orang di seluruh dunia. meskipun Jonas Jonasson sang penulis berasal dari swedia, saya tetap menikmati guyonan yang dibawakannya. meskipun banyak dari humor yang dibawakan berupa dark humor, tetapi tetap saja menarik untuk dibaca. memang benar-benar meledak, saya sampai tertawa terpingkal-pingkal saat membacanya. seperti orang bego saja.
selain humor yang 'meledak-ledak', buku ini juga menceritakan sejarah dunia di abad ke dua puluh, periode waktu saat Allan Karlsson -sang tokoh utama hidup. banyak hal dari proyek Manhattan (bom atom Hiroshima), revolusi komunis di china, russia, iraq, diceritakan dengan humor yang 'meledak-ledak'.
very recommended

View all my reviews - via goodreads